Source: lib/transports/http.js

'use strict';

 * The Http transport backend
 * @module skyring/lib/transports/http
 * @author Eric Satterwhite
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @requires http
 * @requires request
 * @requires debug
 * @requires skyring/lib/timer

const STATUS_CODES = require('http').STATUS_CODES
const phin = require('phin').unpromisified
const debug   = require('debug')('skyring:transport:http')
const Transport = require('./transport')
const {name, version} = require('../../package.json')
const method_exp = /^(post|put|patch|delete|get|options|head)$/i
const kType = Symbol.for('SkyringTransport')
const TRANSPORT = 'httptransport'
const USER_AGENT = `${name}/${version}`

 * Dispatches an http request
 * @function
 * @alias module:skyring/lib/transports/http
 * @param {String} method The http method to use when dispatching the request
 * @param {String} url the url to target when dispatching
 * @param {String} payload The data payload to include in the request
 * @param {String} id The id of the timer being executed
 * @param {module:skyring/lib/timer} cache A timer cache instance to delete from after execution
class Http extends Transport {
  constructor(options) {
    super(options) = 'http'

  static [Symbol.hasInstance](instance) {
    return instance[kType] === TRANSPORT

  exec(method, url, payload, id, cache) {
    const body = payload || ''
    if (!method_exp.test(method)) {
      const pending = cache.get(id)
      pending && clearTimeout(pending.timer)
      const err = new Error(`Invalid http verb ${method}`)
      err.code = 'ESRHTTP'
      cache.failure(id, err)
      debug('unable to execute http transport', method, id)

    debug('executing http transport %s', id, method)

      url: url
    , data: body
    , method: method
    , headers: {
        'User-Agent': USER_AGENT
    }, (err, res) => {
      if (err) {
        debug('timer err', err)
        return cache.failure(id, err)

      if (res.statusCode > 299) {
        debug('timer fail', res.statusCode, body)
        const error = new Error(STATUS_CODES[res.statusCode])
        error.code = res.statusCode = res.statusCode
        console.error(error, body)
        return cache.failure(id, error)

      debug('timer sucess')
      return cache.success(id)

  get [kType]() {
    return TRANSPORT

  get [Symbol.toStringTag]() {
    return 'SkyringHttpTransport'

module.exports = Http