Source: lib/server/router.js

/*jshint laxcomma: true, smarttabs: true, node: true, esnext: true*/
'use strict'
 * Simple router class for directing requests
 * @module skyring/lib/server/router
 * @author Eric Satterwhite
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @requires skyring/lib/server/route
 * @requires skyring/lib/server/request
 * @requires skyring/lib/server/response

const Route    = require('./route')
const Request  = require('./request')
const Response = require('./response')
const debug    = require('debug')('skyring:server:router')

 * @constructor
 * @alias module:skyring/lib/server/router
 * @param {module:skyring/lib/server/node} node The node linked to the application hashring to pass with each request
 * @param {module:skyring/lib/timer} timer A timer instance associated with the application hashring to pass with each request
 * @example var x = new Router(node, timers)
router.handle(req, res)
function Router( node, timers ) {
  this.routes        = new Map()
  this.route_options = new Map()
  this.node          = node
  this.timers        = timers

 * Adds a new get handler to the router a new get handler to the router
 * @param {String} path The url path to route on
 * @param {Function} handler The handler function to call when the route is matched
Router.prototype.get = function get( path, fn ) {
  return this.route( path, 'GET', fn )

 * Adds a new put handler to the router
 * @param {String} path The url path to route on
 * @param {Function} handler The handler function to call when the route is matched
Router.prototype.put = function put( path, fn ) {
  return this.route( path, 'PUT', fn)

 * Adds a new post handler to the router
 * @param {String} path The url path to route on
 * @param {Function} handler The handler function to call when the route is matched
 **/ = function post( path, fn ) {
  return this.route( path, 'POST', fn)

 * Adds a new patch handler to the router
 * @param {String} path The url path to route on
 * @param {Function} handler The handler function to call when the route is matched
Router.prototype.patch = function patch( path, fn ) {
  return this.route( path, 'PATCH', fn)

 * Adds a new delete handler to the router
 * @param {String} path The url path to route on
 * @param {Function} handler The handler function to call when the route is matched
Router.prototype.delete = function( path, fn ) {
  return this.route( path, 'DELETE', fn )

 * Adds a new opts handler to the router
 * @param {String} path The url path to route on
 * @param {Function} handler The handler function to call when the route is matched
Router.prototype.options = function options( path, fn ) {
  return this.route( path, 'OPTIONS', fn )

 * Adds a new route handler to the router
 * @param {String} path The url path to route on
 * @param {String} m handlerethod The http method to associate to the route
 * @param {Function} The handler function to call when the route is matched
 * @returns {module:skyring/lib/server/route}
Router.prototype.route = function route(path, method, fn) {
  const _method = method.toUpperCase()
  const map = this.routes.get(_method) || new Map()

  if (map.has(path)) {
    const rte = map.get(path)
    return rte

  const rte = new Route(path, _method)
  map.set(path, rte)
  this.routes.set(_method, map)
  return rte

 * Entrypoint for an incoming request
 * Customer properties are attached to an `$` object on the request rather than the request
 * itself to avoid V8 deopts / perf penalties
 * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req
 * @param {http.ServerResponse} res
 * @example
http.createServer((req, res) => {
  router.handle(req, res)
Router.prototype.handle = function handle(req, res) {
  req.$ = new Request(req)
  res.$ = new Response(res)
  req.$.timers = this.timers

  const path = req.$.path
  const method = req.method.toUpperCase()
  const map = this.routes.get(method)

  if (map) {
    let rte = map.get(path)
    if (rte) {
      req.$.params = Object.create(null)
      return this.handleRoute(rte, req, res)

    for (const route of map.values()) {
      const params = route.match(path)
      if (params) {
        req.$.params = params
        return this.handleRoute(route, req, res)

  return notFound(req, res)

 * Responsible for executing the middleware stack on the route ( including the end handler )
 * @param {module:skyring/lib/server/route} route
 * @param {http.IncomingMessage} req
 * @param {http.ServerResponse} res
Router.prototype.handleRoute = function handleRoute(route, req, res) {
  debug('routing ', route.method, route.path)
  route.process(req, res, this.node, (err) => {
    if (err) return res.$.error(err)
    if (res.$.body) return res.$.json(res.$.body)
    return res.$.end()

function notFound( req, res ) {
    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
  res.end(JSON.stringify({message: 'Not Found' }))

module.exports = Router