Source: lib/server/node.js

'use strict'
 * Represents a participant in the Hashring
 * @module skyring/lib/server/node
 * @author Eric Satterwhite
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @requires path
 * @requires events
 * @requires dns
 * @requires @skyringringpop
 * @requires tchannel
 * @requires debug
 * @requires keef

const path = require('path')
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
const dns = require('dns')
const Ringpop = require('@skyring/ringpop')
const TChannel = require('tchannel')
const debug = require('debug')('skyring:ring')
const conf = require(path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'conf'))
const host = conf.get('channel:host')
const port = ~~conf.get('channel:port')
let ring_seeds = conf.get('seeds')

ring_seeds = !Array.isArray(ring_seeds) ? ring_seeds.split(',') : ring_seeds

function resolve(tasks, cb) {
  const results = []
  ;(function next() {
    if (!tasks.length) return cb(null, results)
    const task = tasks.shift()
    const [h, p] = task.split(':')
    dns.lookup(h, (err, addr) => {
      if (err) return cb(err)
      results.push(`${addr}${p ? ':' + p : ''}`)

 * @constructor
 * @alias module:skyring/lib/server/node
 * @param {String} [host] host name for the node to listen on - must be used for localhost ( not
 * @param {Number} [port] Port number for the node to listen on in the ring
 * @param {String} [name='ringpop'] name of the active ring to join
 * @param {String} [app=timers] app name of the active ring
class Node extends EventEmitter {
  constructor(h = host, p = port, name = 'ringpop', app = 'timers') {
    this._port = p
    this._host = host
    this._name = name
    this._app = app
    this._tchannel = new TChannel()
    this._ring = null

   * Does the work of configuring tchannel and joining itself into a ringpop ring
   * @method module:skyring/lib/server/node#join
   * @param {String[]} [seeds] An array of node addresses to use as boot strapping nodes
   * @param {Function} callback Function to call when the node has completed the bootstrap process
   * @example node.join(['node-1:5555', ''], (err) => {
if (err) throw err
  join(seed_arr, cb) {
    const nodes = seed_arr || ring_seeds
    if (!Array.isArray(nodes)) {
      const err = new TypeError('seeds must be an array')
      return cb(err)

    const addrs = [this._host].concat(nodes)
    resolve(addrs, (err, seeds) => {
      debug('seed nodes', seeds)
      if (err) return cb(err)
      const host = seeds.shift()
      this._ring = new Ringpop({
          app: this._app
        , hostPort: `${host}:${this._port}`
        , channel: this._tchannel.makeSubChannel({
            serviceName: this._name
          , trace: false
      this._ring.on('ringChanged', (evt) => {
        const added = evt.added
        if (!added.length) return debug('node removed', evt.removed)
        if (added.length === 1 && added.indexOf(`${host}:${this._port}`) !== -1) return
        debug('node added', added)
        this.emit('ringchange', evt)
      this._tchannel.listen(this._port, host, (er) => {
        if (er) return cb(er)
        debug('tchannel listening on ', host, this._port)
        this._ring.bootstrap(seeds, (er) => {
          if (er) return cb(er)
          debug('ring bootstraped', seeds)
          this.emit('bootstrap', seeds)

   * Adds a request handler to the active ringpop instance
   * @method module:skyring/lib/server/node#handle
   * @param {Function} handler A request handler for incoming requests from the ring
  handle(cb) {
    return this._ring.on('request', cb)

   * Determines if this instance is responsible for a specific key.
   * proxies the request if it is not
   * @method module:skyring/lib/server/node#handleOrProxy
   * @param {String} key The key to use to do a node lookup in the ring
   * @param {http.IncomingMessage|module:skyring/lib/server/mock.Request} req an http request object
   * @param {http.ServerResponse|module:skyring/lib/server/mock.Response} res an http response object
   * @example const handle = node.handleOrProxy('foobar', req, res)
if (!handle) return;
// deal with request
   * @return {Boolean}
  handleOrProxy(key, req, res) {
    return this._ring.handleOrProxy(key, req, res)

   * Determines if this node is responsible for a specific key
   * @method module:skyring/lib/server/node#owns
   * @param {String} key The key to use
   * @return {Boolean}
  owns(key) {
    return this.lookup(key) == this._ring.whoami()

   * Lookup the address of the server responsible for a given key
   * @method module:skyring/lib/server/node#lookup
   * @param {String} key The key to look up
   * @return {String} A server address
  lookup(key) {
    return this._ring.lookup(key)

   * Deprecated: use close method
   * @deprecated 10.0.0
   * @method module:skyring/lib/server/node#leave
   * @param {Function} callback Callback function to call when the eviction process is complete
  leave(cb) {

   * Removes itself from the ring and closes and connections
   * @method module:skyring/lib/server/node#close
   * @param {Function} callback A callback function to call when the ring is closed
  close(cb) {
    debug('node close')
    this._ring.selfEvict(() => {
      debug('draining tchannel')
      this._tchannel.drain('leaving', () => {
        debug('destroying ring')
        this._ring.once('destroyed', () => {
          setTimeout(cb, 100)

Object.defineProperty(Node.prototype, 'name', {
  get: function() {
     * @readonly
     * @name name
     * @memberof module:skyring/lib/server/node
     * @property {String} name The name of the node
    return this._app

module.exports = Node