Source: lib/server/index.js

/*jshint laxcomma: true, smarttabs: true, node: true, esnext: true*/
'use strict'
 * Primary server instance for a skyring app.
 * @module skyring/lib/server
 * @requires http
 * @requires debug
 * @requires @esaterwhite/micromock
 * @requires skyring/lib/server/node
 * @requires skyring/lib/server/router
 * @requires skyring/lib/timer

const {isFunction} = require('util')
const http         = require('http')
const mock         = require('@esatterwhite/micromock')
const util         = require('util')
const Debug        = require('debug')
const routes       = require('./api')
const Node         = require('./node')
const Router       = require('./router')
const Timer        = require('../timer')
const conf         = require('../../conf')
const debug        = Debug('skyring:server')

 * @constructor
 * @extends http.Server
 * @alias module:skyring/lib/server
 * @author Eric Satterwhite
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * @param {module:skyring/lib/server/node} [options.node] A customer node instance
 * @param {String} [] host name for the node to listen on - must be used for localhost ( not )
 * @param {Number} [options.node.port] Port number for the node to listen on in the ring
 * @param {String} [] name of the active ring to join
 * @param {Object} [options.nats]
 * @param {String[]} [options.nats.servers] An array of nats `host:port` addresses to connect to
 * @param {String[]|Function[]} [options.transports] an array of custom transport functions, or requireable paths that resolve to functions. All transport function must be named functions
 * @example
// Use only configuration values
var server = new Server().listen(5000)
 * @example var server = new Server({
  node :{
  , port: 8456
  , app: 'payback'
, nats: {
    servers: ['', '']
 * @example // Use a custom node instance
var node = new Node({
  , port: 8456
  , app: 'payback'
var server = new Server({ node })
class Server extends http.Server {
  constructor(opts = {}){
    super((req, res) => {
      this._router.handle(req, res)
    this.closed = false
    this.options = Object.assign({}, {
      seeds: null
    , nats: null
    , storage: null
    , transports: []
    , autobalance: conf.get('autobalance')
    }, opts)

    /* istanbul ignore else */
    if(opts.node) {
      this._node = opts.node instanceof Node
        ? opts.node
        : new Node(
    } else {
      this._node = new Node()
    this._group =
    this._node.on('bootstrap', (seeds) => {
      this.emit('bootstrap', seeds)

  route(opts) {
    const route = this._router.route(opts.path, opts.method, opts.handler)
    opts.middleware && route.before( opts.middleware )
    debug('loaded: %s %s', opts.method, opts.path)

   * Joins the node to the configured ring and starts the http server
   * @method module:skyring/lib/server#listen
   * @param {Number} port Port number to listen on
   * @param {String} [host=localhost] host or ip address to listen on
   * @param {Number} [backlog]
   * @param {Function} [callback] Callback function to call when the server is running
   * @return {module:skyring/lib/server}
  listen(port, ...args) {
    const callback = args[args.length - 1]
    if (this.listening) return isFunction(callback) ? callback() : null

    debug('seed nodes', this.options.seeds)

    this._timers = new Timer({
      nats: this.options.nats
    , storage:
    , transports: this.options.transports
    }, (err) => {
      if (err) return isFunction(callback) ? callback(err) : null
      this._router = new Router(this._node, this._timers)
      for (const key of Object.keys(routes)) {
        const item = routes[key]
        const route = this._router.route(
        , item.method
        , item.handler
        debug('loaded: %s %s', item.method, item.path)

        item.middleware && route.before( item.middleware )

      // When nodes are added / removed exec a rebalanace of local timers
      // If this node is not the owner, sent it back in the ring

      if (this.options.autobalance) {
        this._node.on('ringchange', this._rebalance.bind(this))

      process.on('SIGUSR2', this._rebalance.bind(this))

      // Join the ring
      this._node.join(this.options.seeds, (err) => {
        /* istanbul ignore if */
        if (err) {
          return isFunction(callback) ? callback(err) : null

        // delegate mock requests from the ring to the
        // API router
        this._node.handle(( req, res ) => {
          this._router.handle( req, res )

        // listen for timers being purged over nats when a remote
        // node is evicted or shutdown`skyring:${this._group}`, (err, data) => {
        debug('binding to port', port)
        super.listen(port, ...args)
    return this

  _rebalance(evt = {}) {
    this._timers.rebalance(evt, this._node, (data) => {

  proxy(data) {
    debug('fabricating request',
    const opts = {
      url: '/timer'
    , method: 'POST'
    , headers: {
    , payload: JSON.stringify(data)
    const res = new mock.Response()
    const req = new mock.Request(opts)
    debug('routing fabricated request',
    this._router.handle(req, res)
    this.emit('proxy', data)
   * Removes a server from the ring, closes the http server and redistributes
   * any pending timers
   * @method module:skyring/lib/server#close
   * @param {Function} callback A callback to be called when the server is completely shut down
  close( cb ){
    if(this.closed) return isFunction(cb) ? setImmediate(cb) : null
    super.close(() => {
      this._node.close(() => {
        const active = this._node._ring.membership.members.filter((m) => {
          return m.status === 'alive'

        if (active.length) {
          return this._timers.shutdown(() => {
            debug('closing server')
            this.closed = true
            cb && cb()

        debug('Last node in cluster - skipping rebalanace')
        this._timers.disconnect(() => {
          debug('closing server')
          this.closed = true
          cb && cb()

module.exports = Server
module.exports.Router = Router